Sunday, May 9, 2010

Good Food Sources of Iron

Good Food Sources of Iron
Hemochromatosis Awareness Month
by Karen Schroeder, MS, RD

Image for ironMany people, especially women of childbearing age, infants, and the elderly, do not take in enough iron. However, there are many good food sources of iron to choose from. If your doctor advises you to increase your iron intake, consult the chart below to determine how much you need, and read on for some suggestions on meeting those needs.

Here's Why:

Your blood depends on iron to help it carry oxygen through the body. In some cases, anemia is caused by a lack of iron in the diet. Iron also helps your body to fight infection and to make collagen, which is the major protein that makes up connective tissue, cartilage, and bone. Other medical conditions may be worsened if you do not have enough iron.

Recommended Intake:

Age GroupRDA (mg/day)
0-6 monthsNo RDA;
AI = 0.27
AI = 0.27
7-12 months1111
1-3 years77
4-8 years1010
9-13 years88
14-18 years1115
19-50 years818
51+ years88
Lactation, <>n/a10
Lactation, 19-50 yearsn/a9

Here's How:

Iron exists in two forms—heme and nonheme. Heme iron is part of the hemoglobin and myoglobin molecules in animal tissues. About 40% of the iron in meat is in the heme form. Nonheme iron comes from animal tissues other than hemoglobin and myoglobin and from plant tissues. It is found in meats, eggs, milk, vegetables, grains, and other plant foods. The body absorbs heme iron much more efficiently than nonheme iron.

Food Sources of Mostly Heme Iron (Contain Some Nonheme As Well)

FoodServing sizeIron content
Oysters, pacific, cooked by moist heat3 ounces7.8
Beef liver, braised3 ounces5.8
Oysters, eastern, canned3 ounces5.7
Lean sirloin, broiled3 ounces2.9
Extra-lean ground beef, broiled3 ounces1.8
Tuna, canned in water, light, drained3 ounces1.3
Skinless chicken, roasted dark meat3 ounces1.1
Pork, lean, roasted3 ounces1.0
Skinless chicken, roasted white meat3 ounces1.0
Salmon, canned with bone3 ounces0.7

Food Sources of Nonheme Iron

FoodServing sizeIron content
Fortified breakfast cereal1 cup4.5-18 (check Nutrition Facts label)
Pumpkin seeds1 ounce4.3
Soybean nuts1/2 cup4.0
Blackstrap molasses1 tablespoon3.5
Bran1/2 cup3.5
Spinach, boiled1/2 cup3.2
Red kidney beans, cooked1/2 cup2.6
Lima beans, cooked1/2 cup2.5
Cashews, dry roasted1 ounce1.7
Enriched rice, cooked1/2 cup1.2
Prunes, dried5 prunes1.1
Raisins, seedless1/3 cup1.1
Acorn squash, baked1/2 cup cubes1.0
Whole-wheat bread1 slice0.9
Egg yolk1 large yolk0.7
White bread, made with enriched flour1 slice0.7
Apricots, dried3 apricots0.6
Peanut butter, chunky2 tablespoons0.6
Cod, broiled3 ounces0.4

Tips For Increasing Your Iron Intake

The amount of iron your body absorbs varies depending on several factors. For example, your body will absorb more iron from foods when your iron stores are low and will absorb less when stores are sufficient. In addition, certain dietary factors affect absorption:

  • Heme iron is absorbed more efficiently than nonheme iron.
  • Heme iron enhances the absorption of nonheme iron.
  • Vitamin C enhances the absorption of nonheme iron.
  • Some substances decrease the absorption of nonheme iron. (Consuming heme iron and/or vitamin C with nonheme can help compensate for these decreases.)
    • Oxalic acid, found in spinach and chocolate. However, oxalic acid is broken down with cooking.
    • Phytic acid, found in wheat bran and beans (legumes)
    • Tannins, found in tea
    • Polyphenols, found in coffee
    • Calcium carbonate supplements

To increase your intake and absorption of dietary iron, try the following:

  • Combine heme and nonheme sources of iron.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C with nonheme iron sources. Good sources of vitamin C include:
    • Bell peppers
    • Papayas
    • Oranges and orange juice
    • Broccoli
    • Strawberries
    • Grapefruit
    • Cantaloupe
    • Tomatoes and tomato juice
    • Potatoes
    • Cabbage
    • Spinach and collard greens
  • If you drink coffee or tea, do so between meals rather than with a meal.
  • Cook acidic foods in cast iron pots. This can increase iron content up to 30 times.

Source :,b6wLsMnc